Norner received project approvals

The Reseach Council of Norway allocated research funding to three BIA project applications on January 29 where Norner is a project partner.

Published: 5. september 2022 13:58

The projects have companies coming from varioius business sectors in Norway and abroad. Norner had break-through with the following projects.

  • Piql, Drammen. Title: PreservIA – «Preservering - Immun og Autentisk».  Norner responsible: Harry Øysæd
  • Norske Skog Saugbrugs.Title: FIBRECOMP- next generation of wood fibre polymer biocomposites. Norner responsible: Carlos Barreto
  • Inhibio AS. Title: New and sustainable products for combating Listeria monocytogenes in the aquaculture industry (InhibioList). Norner responsible: Ravindra Chowreddy

Norner takes part in research programs

Norner assists companies to identify suitable funding innovation & research projects and give support in the application phase.

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