Forskningsprosjektet er gjennomført av katapultsenteret Future Materials og Norner.
This week, we had the honor of hosting the Ambassador of Thailand to Norway, H.E. Ms. Nitivadee Manitkul.
The PlastChem report "state of the science on plastic chemicals" leaves the impression that plastics cause danger due to the presence of a high number of potentially dangerous chemicals. This is a misunderstanding. The number of chemicals actually used in the manufacturing of plastics and plastic products globally is only a fraction of those listed; they are all known and most of them are regulated.
Plastics are favored in medical devices and medical packaging due to their versatility, durability, and biocompatibility, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.
On the other hand, medical plastic waste threatens the environment and human health. Policy makers, healthcare industry, healthcare service institutions and waste management industry are now taking action to establish more sustainable solutions for the whole product value.
We are pleased to inform that Norner has received DNV certification for both IMO Resolution IMO MSC.215(82) and IMO MSC.288(87) for coating testing in accordance with Class Programme DNV-CP-0622.
For plastic packaging and polyester textiles, we can now chemically recycle the materials back into their original chemicals. This entails achieving 100% circularity without compromising quality, a feat only attainable through chemical recycling.
Norner collaborates with Kraton to evaluate their CirKular+TM performance enhancement additives for plastics recycling.
HDPE bottles for Personal Care and Cosmetic products (Cosmetics) are an attractive segment for the use of post-consumer recycled (PCR) materials. The availability is poor for materials that have good enough mechanical properties and purity. The latter can cause odour and migration of substances which needs safety documentation. Can a 3-layer structure be the solution?
Grønt Punkt Norge, Norner og Handelens Miljøfond inviterer norske virksomheter til å få RecyClass-sertifisering finansiert gjennom et nytt prosjekt.
The Research Council, Innovation Norway and SIVA have granted 67 million to the Green Platform project Re3-Plast: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, which will develop and demonstrate circular solutions for plastic packaging for food, thereby laying the foundation for a more sustainable and competitive business sector.
This will strengthen our capabilities in development of circular flexible packaging with barrier and recycled content.
We are proud to announce that Norner is now approved as a RecyClass certification body and recognised laboratory
Our new headquarter, the Polymer Exploration Centre, is ready and we will be moving in during the following months. Today marks the hand-over from the construction company to Norner.
The scope of PyroCO2 is to establish and demonstrate an innovative platform for CCU that turns industrial CO2 into chemical building-blocks using a new biotechnological approach
Polymer Exploration Centre is situated on the riverfront in Porsgrunn Norway, one of the most exciting industrial regions of the world.
Norner has received certificates recognizing the approval in accordance with both IMO Resolution IMO MSC.215(82) and IMO MSC.288(87) for our Marine coating testing.
Norner er en del av Future Materials katapult senter og Heidi Bryntesen er vår kontaktperson mot dem. Future Materials hjelper selskaper med pilotering og testing for å gjøre veien kortere fra ide til marked.
Norner and HTExplore join forces to offer a highly integrated and streamlined workflow for industrial catalyst- and polymer development services ranging from milli- to kilogram scale to catalyst manufacturers, polymer producers and other industries.
Norner joins the Alliance to End Plastic Waste in #AllTogetherCleanup to rid the world of litter, beginning September 19.
Norner has hired 16 new researchers and engineers so far in 2020 for our technology centre.