Make??a novel sound absorption technology to enable energy efficient construction techniques.
Project Duration: 2011-2013
Published: 6. september 2022 12:54 - Last changed: 26. mai 2023 12:53
Echo2Eco project goal is to make a novel sound absorption technology to enable energy efficient construction techniques and promote the health and wellbeing of occupants.
Project title: Novel sound absorption technology.
Project duration: 2011–2013
Programme: R4S
Project owner:Deamp
Project partners:
- Nowofol Kunstoffprodukte
- RPG Europe,
- Skelly & Couch Acoustics (SCA)
- Anglia Ruskin University’s Sound and Audio Engineering Research Group (SEARG)
- Irelands National Centre for Laser applications
- Norner AS
Link to web page
Norner project responsible: Jorunn Nilsen