Laboratory reactors and equipment
A cornerstone of Norner capabilities is our advanced gas reactor laboratory for polymerization and gas process simulations.
We provide competence and capability to be your partner in catalyst development and characterisation.
Our reactor laboratory is well equipped for high purity work in extreme conditions by using hazardous chemicals.
- The advanced gas transportation and inert handling system (e.g. several glove boxes) together with the explosion (EX) proofed area fulfills our devotion to safety work.
- We are constantly updating our reactors according to latest technology.
- We can do reactor modifications according to your needs.
Multi purpose reactors available in our laboratory
- Glass reactor systems up to 1 liter size (max. 10 bar, 120°C)
- Two fluidized bed mixers (0,25 & 60 liters)
- Small scale calcination/reduction units for carriers and Cr-catalyst
(fluidised bed; max. ~300 g; max ~1000°C)